LEQVIO® is indicated in adults with primary hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous familial and non-familial) or mixed dyslipidaemia, as an adjunct to diet:1
in combination with a statin or statin with other lipid-lowering therapies in patients unable to reach LDL-C goals with the maximum tolerated dose of a statin, or
alone or in combination with other lipid-lowering therapies in patients who are statin-intolerant, or for whom a statin is contraindicated.
For full safety information, please refer to the LEQVIO® Summary of Product Characteristics.
LEQVIO®▼ (inclisiran)
LEQVIO® is recommended by NICE, within its licensed indication, as an option for the treatment of eligible adult patients who:2

Nearly 1 in 5 patients with cardiovascular disease do not have a recorded current prescription of lipid-lowering therapy, remaining at high risk for cardiovascular events and death (n=472,650)*3
The effect of LEQVIO® on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has not yet been determined.1

On average, LDL-C levels were reduced by ~50% from baseline (2.92±1.2 mmol/L) in eligible patients with ASCVD on LEQVIO® and a maximally tolerated statin in an observational study, which is consistent with the placebo-corrected results seen in the Phase III trials ORION-9, ORION-10 and ORION-114–7

In clinical trials, LEQVIO® had a safety profile similar to placebo, apart from injection-site reactions (8.2% and 1.8% of patients, respectively)1
*National CVDPREVENT data covering the period up to March 2022. Data was received from 96.6% of GP practices, including approximately 18 million patients.3
ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; GP, general practitioner; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
LEQVIO® Summary of Product Characteristics.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Inclisiran for treating primary hypercholesterolaemia or mixed dyslipidaemia. Available at: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ta733/resources/inclisiran-for-treating... [Accessed January 2025].
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership. https://www.hqip.org.uk/resource/third-annual-report-cvdprevent/ [Accessed January 2025].
Wright RS, et al. Oral presentation. ORION-8: Long-term efficacy and safety of twice-yearly inclisiran in high cardiovascular risk patients. ESC Congress 2023. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25–28 August 2023.
Raal FJ, et al. N Engl J Med 2020;382:1520–1530.
Ray KK, et al. N Engl J Med 2020;382:1507–1519.
Ray KK, et al. Eur Heart J 2022;43(48):5047–5057.
LEQVIO® and the LEQVIO® logo are registered trademarks of Novartis AG. Licensed from Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
UK | January 2025 | FA-11205529
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. Adverse events should also be reported to Novartis online through the pharmacovigilance intake (PVI) tool at www.novartis.com/report, or alternatively email [email protected] or call 01276 698370.